To maintain contact with your clients, you can send emails via Vetocare. These e-mails can even be sent with attachments in Vetocare. Furthermore, you can create standard e-mails so that you can send e-mails quickly and consistently. To send an e-mail to a client or contact in Vetocare, we navigate to the file of the client or contact. Once you arrive, click "Send email" at the top of the page. Now you arrive at a screen where the receiver is already set to the client or contact, but the receiver can still be adjusted at any time. Furthermore, here you can see the sender, this is the email address of the practice. A CC can also be filled in if desired.

Under the CC, you can set the message template, which allows you to ensure that you don't have to fill out the content every email. For more information about message templates, see: Standard messages. Of course, you can also fill in the subject and message manually.

It is also possible to use attachments when preparing an e-mail. Click the "Add attachment" button, now you get the option between using a file from patient administration, practice files, and uploading a file. When choosing patient administration, a screen opens in which you can choose from all reports, invoices, patient cards, client card and more.

The practice files option allows practice files to be chosen via a screen. The last option allows you to upload a file yourself. If everything is filled in as desired, the last step is to simply press "Send" and then the e-mail is sent automatically.