In a multi-user practice, you may prefer that certain information is shielded from certain users. In Vetocare, you can adjust the user roles per user, for example to ensure that invoices are not visible to every employee. The role of a new user can be set when inviting a user, but can always be adjusted by going to "Settings" then going to "Manage users" and pressing the user.

There are three user roles currently available in Vetocare, these are:


An administrator has access to all functionalities within Vetocare, excluding:

   X The option to modify the current license.

   X The option to make purchases within Vetocare.


An employee has access to everything from administrator, excluding:

   X The option to invite new users.

   X The option to modify or deactivate existing users.

   X The option to modify practice settings.

Employee without finance

An employee without finance has access to everything from employee, excluding:

   X The option to create or see invoices.

   X The option to see the yearly invoice or the VAT-declaration reports.